7.3 The word ‘racism’ should be used accurately, not used as a weapon

A racist behaviour is one that discriminates against someone based upon their apparent race. New Magna Carta MediumRacial prejudice is a belief that you can ascribe characteristics to an individual based on their race. We all do it to greater or lesser degrees, unconsciously or consciously. It is an inaccurate shortcut, it is unfair to individuals and it leads to poor decisions based on false assumptions. The word ‘racist’ can be usefully applied to stigmatise racial prejudice and to deter unfair behaviour. Unfortunately it has been much overused by ideological zealots and by those deeply immersed in victim mentality. It has been used as a weapon to manipulate others, to play the victim-perpetrator-rescuer game and to shut down legitimate debate. We should reserve the word for its true meaning and make sure that we apply it to all racists including those who are in minority groups and those who are ‘rescuers’ promoting victim consciousness, disempowering others and creating new victims.