How would you think about medicine, management, capitalism, taxation, welfare, defence, energy and migration if they were conscious living systems?
Until mediaeval times, we assumed that the universe was the realm of God. Modern science makes the assumption that the universe is a meaningless, lifeless space sprinkled with energy and matter. There is no scientific reason for that assumption. Science is only as good as the assumptions upon which we build our theories, and we could choose to experiment with science based on the assumption that the cosmos is living and conscious. For example, we could perceive the financial system as not simply money, but human energy flowing into human potential. In healthcare we can treat a patent as a passive physical body with biochemical processes or we can treat them as a living soul capable of self-healing, in which the power of the mind and spirit play a huge part. We can see a hospital as a building full of operatives executing technical tasks and processes, or we could see it is an integrated living system of conscious social animals. Take any of our organisations and imagine that the buildings, computers, titles, business processes, spreadsheets and uniforms are invisible. Float outside and see the organisation just like you would an ant’s nest, a beehive or a rainforest, with each person acting in alignment with the collective purpose.