Good questions are incredibly powerful. They can open minds, create opportunities, prompt a new realisation, create an awareness of an inconsistency, bring false assumptions to light, enable new ways of seeing things, prick the bubble of arrogance, unsettle complacency, open a crack in a previously impenetrable wall. Despots, control freaks, vested interests, inadequate leaders, weak bullies, corrupt cabals and unscientific scientists try desperately to avoid good questions because they are dangerous. Questions can be used to cut people down, to undermine, to hurt, to generate cynicism and suspicion. They can also be wisely used to empower those who are stuck in dysfunctional patterns but could be liberated by thinking differently. So, we should consciously cultivate the skill of asking incisive, empowering questions, and we should invite others to ask us such questions.
If I could have the world exactly as I would like it, if all my values and ideas came true, what would that be like?
What is your highest vision for the world?
How can we boost our sense of direction and confidence?
What do we need to do to survive and thrive?
How we can we catalyse our evolution?
What is the new, emerging civilization?
Can we create the future through imagination and visualisation?
How do we create the field of alignment to allow self-organisation to occur?
What new technologies are coming which will change our way of life and opportunities?