26.2 Make our civilization so attractive that others choose to align with us

The best kind of war is the one that you never need to fight. The countries of the West, today New Magna Carta Mediumfriends and allies, have historically been enemies. They have hated one another and killed millions in devastating wars. There is no reason why those who currently see us as enemies can’t become competitors and then allies and friends. There are enough resources to go round. We need to make our civilization so attractive that the others emulate us and join us. We need to make it so rewarding to cooperate that they could never contemplate conflict. It is not a fantasy. We’ve done it time and time again. We need to build trust through consistent behaviour and respect through strength and acknowledgement. We need good communication. We need to make it clear that we are not a threat unless we are threatened. Where we are, we must be overwhelmingly powerful and use that power magnanimously.